How to learn self ........?
One can learn self by defining a specific area of ​​learning that he wishes to be in addition to a certain level he wants to reach. Therefore, it can be said that the learner must follow some of the steps:
(1) that the learner determines what he wants to learn accurately away from randomness. If we deal with the field of language, the learner must determine what he wants to learn, does he want to learn the conversation ...? Do you want to learn the rules ....? Does he want a comprehensive learning of the language in order to prevent the dispersion of the learner as well as help him in determining the sources to which he will return.
(2) to start the learner in what can be called "cold learning", which means reading many of the topics in the field that he wants to start it without being part of the process of "learning hot" or intended for real and actual learning from So that the learner puts himself in the basic framework of the subject he wants to learn, that is, the main purpose of this step is to create a general background on the subject of learning without a self-intended and programmed self-learning.
(3) that the learner at the beginning to determine the level of knowledge in the subject that wants to learn and can in this context behavior on two sides:
(A) To use a specialist to determine the level and to provide guidance on self-evaluation.
B - The same level of the same design as well as the design of the different assessment methods that he deems appropriate, depending on the degree of the learner's understanding of the nature of the material that is learned and correct this method in adults, not children.
(4) to choose the means through which learning can be and requires that the previous steps have been implemented accurately if the learner does not understand what he wants to learn and if not know his level, he will not be able to choose the appropriate means in order to get the knowledge he wants and so that step Depends primarily on the steps that precede it.
(5) Determine the timetable of the learner in which the learning effort is divided into a certain number of hours or other methods that the learner sees fit with the need not to overdo the learner in estimating his own abilities, which does not specify a large amount on a little time or the opposite of what may be caused by the first behavior From the frustration and what leads to the second behavior of unnecessary waste of time, and here the learner must leave himself a certain period at the beginning of the learning process measures the capacity to absorb and the impact of external factors of social and other concerns on the learning process until it reaches the appropriate equation of time The volume of work required to be accomplished .
(6) making some kind of feedback during the learning process in terms of time adjustment if inappropriate or resorting to different teaching methods if initially used is inadequate and other ways to improve performance during the learning process which requires continuous assessment by the learner His abilities and degree of development means that the learner is the same measure in that learning process.
(7) make the final evaluation when the completion of the work is supposed to be completed and can be used here to resort to external evaluation in order to identify the level of performance or self-assessment.
(8) In general, the process of self-learning requires the ability and willpower of the learner and not to leave the self respond to any frustrating factors, including long stumbling and inability to follow the learning process which is happening especially in the middle of the process as well as not to allow frustration due to stumbling in the collection, The solution in the hands of the learner to change the way and not to listen to the talk of others, which may seem frustrating.